The Different forms Domestic Violence can take
Domestic violence or abuse – Physical
Domestic violence or abuse is a growing concern in all our societies but in particular ethnic communities. None of us can fight domestic violence or abuse on our own. If we try, we feel isolated, confused, frightened and weak but together we can gain strength and help each other as well as gradually increase awareness on domestic violence or abuse.
Unfortunately, domestic abuse, still remains very much swept / kept under the carpet because more often than not women have fears about losing children, breaking up families, the stigma of divorce and deportation etc. This is where our help is unique, we not only help victims but we also empower/support women recognising the problem from very start.
Domestic abuse has many forms i.e., threatening behaviour, violence, psychological abuse, physical violence, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and financial abuse.
Each abuse has to be tackled in a different way. Not all the methods to resolve an issue or help a victim can ever be the same. Some may get help from us and some due to sensitivity of the situation may have to be referred for further help to other professional bodies. However, the priority and primary focus will always be to keep you safe enabling you to live the life you deserve as a survivor.
In relationships where there is domestic violence, children witness about three-quarters of the abusive incidents. About half the children in such families have themselves been badly hit or beaten. Sexual and emotional abuses are also more likely to happen in these families. It then becomes a vicious cycle of continued abuse, which we all have a duty to end because it will not end unless we all collectively commit to make a permanent stand against it.
Don’t suffer alone – Contact our specially trained team who are committed to helping you every step of the way.